Howdy Junkies!
First of all, can I get a big ‘ole WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO for MISS AMERICA WEEK!!! It’s Finally Here!!! WE MADE IT!!!
Alright then… Always good to celebrate the arrival of Miss America week! Now – Even though many of you out there are indeed Junkies for life, we usually pick up a couple thousand more fans during pageant week – which means, it’s good to give everyone a reminder of how our predictions work!
Let’s start with the lineup…
Here’s how it works:
Each night, you’ll see your favorite contestant perform at least one area of competition on-stage – And each night, Miss America awards a Preliminary Talent Award and a Preliminary Swimsuit Award to the highest point earners who were on stage during their respective competition nights. That means, after Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we’ll have 3 Preliminary Talent winners and 3 Preliminary Swimsuit winners.
Now, here at Pageant Junkies, this is where the fun begins! We’re going to do our best to pick a Prelim Talent winner and a Prelim Swimsuit winner on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night. And – just to clarify – sometimes people think because we travel to numerous state pageants, we’ve probably seen like, half of these ladies compete before… Well, that’s NOT TRUE! In fact, I’ve only seen 2 of these ladies actually compete in a pageant. That’s right – TWO! In addition, during the times when we were in Atlantic City during Miss America week, Junkies don’t make predictions after attending open rehearsals…
So… Wanna know how we make our predictions?
Well – If you haven’t seen the video, here’s the long story regarding “how” we come up with our prediction lists… But if you’d prefer the cliff-notes version, here it is.
We research online.
We consider the opinions of others who offer it to us.
And that’s pretty much it.
However, there’s something else you need to know…
We may have our eyes on a few ladies who’ve piqued our interest, but overall, we don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m not here to promote any certain state above another – and I’m not related to anybody competing in Atlantic City. And guess what that means…?
It means – if I don’t choose your daughter/sister/niece/best-friend’s hair-dresser’s, favorite barista’s granddaughter, it doesn’t mean she wasn’t pretty enough… It doesn’t mean she’s not smart enough or she’s not talented enough…. it only means, I’m not perfect (and trust me – because we didn’t make any state predictions this year, I’m pretty sure perfection ain’t gonna happen (lol!). Therefore, PLEASE don’t take it personally if we don’t list your favorite contestant. She’s still got as good a chance as anyone to bring home the title – and our predictions have NOTHING to do with the outcome of the competition! ?
Finally, we always do our best to remind Junkies that “predictions” should be – Wait for it… Wait for it…
If it’s not FUN – then it shouldn’t be DONE! There’s no need to take this whole thing too seriously – Mainly because Miss America is a total crap-shoot (and I mean that term in the kindest way possible). Therefore, we developed our personal phrase that everyone can easily repeat to themselves as they scroll through our pageant predictions…
If we say your name, we hope you prove us right!
And if we don’t say your name, we hope you prove us wrong!
And we mean it!
I’d much prefer each woman to perform at her highest potential than for me to have a perfect pageant prediction track record. Prove me wrong – all day long – and I’ll be high-fiving you and your entourage while singing a song! lol! My goal isn’t to be correct – My goal is to celebrate the incredible achievements of the women in this program – And that’s the truth!
Sooooooooooooooooo – With all that being said, our first predictions will be released the afternoon of September 6th! If you wanna know who we’re picking, then you need to join the Junkie Newsletter by signing up below…
Once you sign up, you should receive an email in your inbox asking you to CONFIRM that you want to receive such emails from us. PLEASE make sure you confirm (check your spam or other filters) – We don’t want any Junkies to miss out!
And there you have it! In the meantime, we’ll be posting pictures and other goodies to our social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) – So make sure you’re following @PageantJunkies in all locations!
Carrie Lakey

Carrie Lakey is kind of obsessed with Miss America…
So are 22,000 of her closest friends.
As an avid fan of the Miss America Organization, Carrie began
publicly predicting pageant winners over 10 years ago.
Now, she’s galvanizing an online movement of fans
known as “Pageant Junkies”.
Learn more about the Junkie Nation
by clicking here.