WE DID IT!!! WE MADE IT THROUGH STATE PAGEANT SEASON!!! And check it out – These are the ladies who will compete at Miss America 2017!!!

I’m never so happy as I am when STATE PAGEANT SEASON is OVER!!!
For those of you wondering… Yes – the act of crowning a new Miss America scores pretty high on the ‘happiness scale’ as well 🙂 But honestly, that’s more of a “Whooooo-Hooooo-this-was-super-fun” kind of happy… This is more like a “Dear-Lord-I’ve-been-working-on-this-since-April-and-it’s-a-wonder-my-husband-didn’t-leave-me” kind of happy 🙂 See the difference? Lol!
Therefore, I am a combination of both kinds of happy to tell you the new Miss Arkansas is SAVVY SHIELDS!!!

1st RU – Savannah Skidmore
2nd RU – Brooke Cornelius
3rd RU – Bailey Moses
4th RU – Ashton Purtle
Savvy is one more former Outstanding Teen to add to the class of Miss America 2017… And for those of you who’ve lost track – That makes SEVENTEEN total state teen winners! GOODNESS GRACIOUS!

And when it comes to the Top 5, Junkies correctly identified 2 of the Top 5
picked Savvy Shields and Bailey Moses
Big Junkie Congrats to everyone in Arkansas – And now that our final contestant for Miss America 2017 has been selected – It’s time to take a moment and go through our predictions results for the entire year…

First – a couple of things to keep in mind…
- I did not make any predictions for Miss Puerto Rico this year. Couldn’t find a comprehensive contestant list – Therefore, our totals will only reflect 51 state finalists
- Not every state announced a top 5 this year. Wyoming announced a Top 3 and Maine announced a Top 2. The grand total of Winners plus Runners Up = 250
- Just a reminder – Part of my challenge is to make my predictions BEFORE prelims start! I’m trying to determine if I what I see online about a contestant has any indication of how well she will perform at her state pageant. If I waited until after prelims were over, I’d be basing my predictions on a completely different set of guidelines.
- Last year, we ended up accurately predicting 75% of the women who won their state, and accurately predicting 54% of the ladies who finished in the Top 5. You can actually see all our 2015 results at this link here… It’s a bit more convoluted to understand than what you see this year – but, you get the gist of it. 🙂

OK! Let’s take a look at the results… Judges… May I have the envelope please?
41/51 = 80%
Identifying Winners
131/250 = 52%
Identifying Top 5 finishers
That’s a 5% improvement over last year in our ability to predict Top 5 winners – Which makes this Founding Junkie VERY HAPPY and allows me to breathe a HUGE sigh of relief!!! And, our ability identify ladies who finish in the top 5 is a little less than going 3/5 at each state pageant.

Now – For those of you looking for a few more specifics regarding this year’s state pageant season, I can already sense some of the other questions rolling around in your mind right now… So – let’s see if I can address them one by one…
- Which states did you miss in your predictions?
This year, Junkies missed New Hampshire, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Washington, Texas, Missouri, Ohio, Illinois, North Dakota and Hawaii.
- Which states had your “best finishes” and your “worst finishes”?
We were only 1/5 in the following states: NH, MI, WI, NC and WA. However, we were 4/5 in NV, VT, KS, CO, AL, DE, IA, NJ and MD. It all kind of evens out.
- Of the state winners you missed, how many winners were ‘on your radar’ and how many came out of thin air?
Half and Half. Five of the states ended up crowning ladies that we nearly placed on our Top 5 list, and five of the states, well, we never saw ’em coming.
- Have you ever picked an actual winner?
So – here’s the deal… I don’t publicly predict a winner, but I have a system that helps me better understand how my predictions hold up in the light of day. That system is only known by me, a few super close Junkie friends and family honorary inductees, and my dog. It’s really just my own private way of seeing how well I really could do – if I were forced top pick a winner.
- Ummm… So, I’m new here… HOW THE HECK DO YOU DO THIS???
lol! Great Question! If you’re new to Pageant Junkies and state prediction season, we hope you check out this link which tells you a little more about how this whole crazy prediction this first started.

- So – Does that mean picking pageant winners is your full time job?
Lol! Well – It is now! Trust me – I am qualified to do other things (promise) – But, it’s the ‘other things’ I’ve done in life which allow me to be pretty good at this job now. I’m officially one of those ‘American Entrepreneurs’ hoping to provide people with products that offer a bit of fun and enrich their pageant journey.
- So… What do we do now?
Lucky for you (and me) – State Pageant Prediction season may be over, but Junkies continue to take this predictions game “on the road” as we offer our predictions for Miss America’s Outstanding Teen AND Miss America! For each of those national pageants, we offer our predictions for each night’s preliminary winners, the semi finalists (Top 15/Top 10), and our Top 5 finishers! Can’t Wait!!!

And there you have it! BIG JUNKIE CONGRATS to the class of MISS AMERICA 2017!!! So far, we’re LOVING the photos coming out of DC as all of the contestants have started their orientation – (see our Facebook page for pics) – And WE CAN’T WAIT until September!!!

Big Junkie Thanks to everyone who followed along this State Pageant Season! We can’t wait to see what these next 9 weeks have to offer!
Carrie Lakey
To see all 2016 Predictions Results, just click here…
To see all 2015 Predictions Results, just click here instead…

Carrie Lakey is kind of obsessed with Miss America…
So are 17,000 of her closest friends.
As an avid fan of the Miss America Organization, Carrie began
publicly predicting pageant winners over 10 years ago.
Now, she’s galvanizing an online movement of fans
known as “Pageant Junkies”.
Learn more about the Junkie Nation
by clicking here.