Hello Again Miss America Junkies!!!
Here we are! The first day of on stage competition for the title of Miss
America! I’m guessing the girls are ready to “do their thing” — After
watching the Inaugural ceremonies earlier today – I can truly say “Let’s get
on with it already!”
Ok – So — today is the day when the 3 groups of girls go through what we
call the “Preliminary Competition”. Over the next 3 nights, each girl
participates in Talent, Swimsuit, Evening Gown, and will answer an “on-stage
question”. The judges score each girl in each category – and those scores
from the preliminary competitions give us our Top 15 that compete on
Saturday night for the title. Each night, we’ll have a Talent Winner and a
Swimsuit Winner — and my job is to choose 3-4 girls that I think have the
best shot of winning those awards. For the record, I’ve never seen any of
these girls in person nor have I ever heard any of their talents.. I simply
research the internet ferociously and through a process of elimination, I
guess who’s going to win. I usually end up 50/50 by correctly picking 3 out
of 6 — last year I was 4 for 6. so this year, I’m feeling the pressure of
going for 5 for 6. we shall see.
Before continuing, there is one more thing you should know. Sometimes the
Swimsuit Winner is truly the best girl in a swimsuit. But sometimes, the
Swimsuit Winner is a girl the judges REALLY liked in their personal
interview and also happens to look darn good in a swimsuit. How to tell the
difference? Well – that’s why you shouldn’t try this at home. HA! I’m
Kidding! I have NO CLUE how to tell the difference. That’s why I give
myself 3-4 girls out of 17 to choose from.
So – here they are! My picks for Swimsuit this evening are.
Indiana, South Dakota, Hawaii and Oklahoma
Picks for Talent winners tonight are.
Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire and Alabama
Quick note about this year’s Talent Competition. there are a plethora of
piano players competing this year! A total of 11 girls are playing the
piano – but what’s worse — there are dozens of dancers as well! 17
dancers (ok – not quite dozens, but I was going for the alliteration
factor)! Everyone else is a vocalist – save 2, Miss Maine is a Violinist
and Miss Arkansas plays the flute. What are my thoughts you ask? Well –
it’s one thing to dance ballet — but they’re not gonna crown a jazz dancer
with white gloves and a top hat as Miss America. Further, a piano player
hasn’t won the crown since Marjorie Vincent in 1991 (yes Brian Taylor, I knew that without looking it up. I know, it’s scary. Like I said, don’t try this at home). Just my thoughts. after all – a baton
twirler won talent last year and I totally didn’t see that one coming!
OK – That’s it! I’ll report back to you tomorrow – or you can check for
yourself at MissAmerica.org. or any of the websites I’ve previously given to
you. I’m going to laugh my head off if Robin Leach has news before the Miss
America site does — but I’m going to be checking both sites regularly!
Pictures Tomorrow!
Follow up with you then!
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