Hey Junkies!!!
So, the other day, I’m going through my photos on my phone (looking to delete a few), when I run across the photo at the top of this post. I took this picture while I was out walking the dog one morning… and it stopped me dead in my tracks.
Now, to you, this photo may look like nothing but a bad landscape job – lol! But when I came across this scene – I had to stop and take a picture, specifically because of the pine tree.
You see – Here in Colorado, we get a taste of “tangible growth” every year when Spring comes around. When you check out that pine tree, you can actually see the difference between the darker pine needles and the lighter ones – the lighter ones on the most outer portion of the branches – are the “new growth”. However – if you look at that same tree now, you can’t see any difference in the “old growth” verses the “new growth”. All the pine needles are the same color – but the tree is larger and stronger.
Oh how I wish every aspect of our lives had such “tangible growth” available in plain sight!
Yes – I think life would be a heck of a lot easier if we could actually SEE The progress we’re making on a daily basis. And not just with things like how much you weigh – I’m talking about seeing your personal development. Imagine if we could see a little part of us “grow” when we learned a new skill… or became just a little more proficient in our work… or acquired a piece of knowledge that will help us later in life! How much more motivating might it be to SEE the difference on a daily basis! You could actually SEE who you were, verses who you are – as it was happening!
Unfortunately (or fortunately), little green leaves don’t start to grow on our bodies when we learn something new. Personal growth and development is intangible. You can’t actually “see” it when it happens – Which is what makes it sooooooo easy to skip it, thinking it’s not necessary…
I’ll admit… It’s much easier to sit and hang out in “maintenance mode” than it is to get excited about pursuing personal growth.
But maintenance can be deceiving.
Think about this…
You can maintain your weight, and yet actually increase in cellulite (not judging! It takes one to know one here!). You can also “maintain” the place where you live (or your car) – But “maintaining” your home doesn’t stop your furniture from getting old and outdated – and it doesn’t stop the parts on your car from wearing out and needing replacement.
You see… maintenance… isn’t staying the same. It’s worse.
Maintenance is holding still. Usually while everything and everyone else around you moves forward.
If you’re not experiencing some sort of personal growth, it’s time to ask yourself, “why not?”
You and I actually have the capacity to experience SIGNIFICANT growth in a short period of time. We can adapt to difficult or ugly situations… We can ‘bounce back’ from disappointments, or even surge forward during amazing seasons of personal development. And it doesn’t matter if you choose to grow or if difficult circumstances force you to grow, the bottom line is still the same…
If you want something you’ve never had, you need to do something you’ve never done.
If you want to be more confident in your swimsuit presentation, you need to do something different than what you’re currently doing. If you want to have a stronger interview or talent (or both), you need to do the work that will allow you to grow in those areas.
Now through Sunday, you have a chance to do something you’ve never done before in order to get results that can change your life.
And I’m not talking about winning a pageant… I’m talking about life-altering, personal growth that will put you on a path of self-discovery unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
The women inside PJU who have followed the system as it’s laid out, have “tangible growth” the likes of which they never believed…
And you can have it too.
In all categories of competition… I gave my best performance ever. I felt so confident and relaxed going into prelim night two after an amazing first night of competition. Thank you for everything you do in this program, Carrie! I know you are inspiring young women to love this program for all the right reasons. Your course really was an immense help to me and I am so grateful for the opportunity to talk with you!
~ Current PJU Student
Give yourself (or your daughter) the gift of growth. When you join Pageant Junkies University, you’ll be able to see the difference a winning system can make in your/her life.
Our 4 Day Summer Sale is taking place right now, July 28th-31st. Learn more at this link right here…
Maintenance is holding still. Usually while everything and everyone else around you, is moving forward.
Carrie Lakey
To read more #ThursdayPosts like this one, just click here…

Carrie Lakey is kind of obsessed with Miss America…
So are 18,000 of her closest friends.
As an avid fan of the Miss America Organization, Carrie began
publicly predicting pageant winners over 10 years ago.
Now, she’s galvanizing an online movement of fans
known as “Pageant Junkies”.
Learn more about the Junkie Nation
by clicking here.
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