Junkies are big fans of goals! Mainly because we know the power of goal-setting when it comes to achieving the things you want in life… Vision Boards, Written Goals, BHAG Goals, Systems, Rewards, Visual Reminders – Bring ’em on – I LOVE THEM ALL!!!
And there’s one particular phrase when it come to goal setting that ALWAYS gets me at my core. I don’t know where it comes from… I’ve tried googling various versions of it… If you know more, please pass it along because I would love to properly attribute it to the correct source/s…
Here it is…
Peace and harmony is not the goal.
Progress is the goal.
And progress is rarely achieved
in the midst of peace and harmony.
That. Phrase. Makes. My. Soul. SING!!! And – it applies to soooooooooo many situations in life, it’s not even funny! How? Well – let me count the ways (starting in pageant-land of course…)
So…. think about this… If “peace and harmony” was the true goal of your pageant life, I’d venture to say, you’d never get off the couch. Why? Because “peace and harmony” means keeping things exactly as they are! Peace and harmony means never working out to improve your body. Peace and harmony means never pushing yourself academically. Peace and harmony means taking a nap when you should be practicing your talent. Peace and harmony means desperately trying to get along with everyone instead of standing up for your platform issue and never offering an opinion of any kind during your interview.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to get along with people... That’s not what I’m saying at all.
What I’m saying – is that you need to make sure you’re not constantly chasing after peace and harmony. If so, you’re going to have a pretty short stint as a pageant contestant… Because…
Pageants, are about improving yourself.
Pageants are a vehicle you can use to become something better than you are right now. They have this bizarre way about them that refuses to let you settle for less than your best… It’s as if a pageant allows you to strive for something that YOU KNOW exists deep within you! Something that matters. Something that will cause you to be better than you are right now.
So – if ‘peace and harmony’ isn’t the goal… What is the goal?
Making just a small amount of progress each day adds up to a whole heck of a lot of progress by the end of the month! Think about it! Let’s say you start with 20 push-ups on the 1st day of the month… And you decide you’re going to add 1 more pushup a day, every day, until the end of the month. By the end of the month, you’ll be doing 50 push-ups a day instead of just 20! Same thing with squats or running or cardio or planking or whatever (going just a little bit longer each day).
But if all you want is peace and harmony – I’m afraid none of that is gonna happen. The whole point of exercise is to PUSH YOURSELF! You should be focused on MAKING PROGRESS! It’s not about the status quo – it’s about GETTING BETTER!
So – How do you know if you’re chasing peace and harmony over progress? Well, if you find yourself making decisions just because it will “shut someone up” – or if you spend a lot of your time trying to determine “what’s fair” – you’re officially chasing peace and harmony over progress. Your job isn’t to make peace and harmony for other people. Your job is to make progress on your own goals.
Now again – does that mean you should trample all over other people to get what you want? NOOOOO!!! Of course not!
It means – when you make decisions for your own life – you need to make the decision that offers the most amount of PROGRESS towards your goals — NOT the most amount of peace and harmony once the decision is implemented.
And guess what…?
It’s pretty much impossible to see “progress” in your platform – or with your talent – or in the shape of your body – if you’re not willing to work for it. If all you’re doing is trying to “keep the peace” – then, honestly, it means you’re not working very hard and I don’t expect you’ll make much progress.
Anything worth having, is worth the fight to get it.
Nobody walks on the Miss America stage without significant time, effort, energy, and money devoted to reaching that goal. And nobody reaches the Miss America stage without making progress from the place they were – to the place where they are right now (ask any titleholder – they’ll tell you!).
You’ve got to go through a time of “change” – a time of “pushing” – a time that goes AGAINST the balance of peace and harmony, if you’re going to achieve any sort of progress in your life. Substantive, legitimate, life-changing progress doesn’t happen in the midst of peace and harmony. It only happens when you tell yourself that your personal progress (and the pain/sacrifice associated) will offer you the ‘peace and harmony’ you’re seeking, once you reach your goals.
Most of us – myself included – would prefer to live a peaceful and harmonious life. Progress is hard whereas peace and harmony seems easy. But your strength does not come from peace and harmony in your life. Your best “you” only comes when you require more of yourself.
From Douglas Malloch’s poem called, “Good Timber”
Good timber does not grow with ease:
The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.
Do you want to be someone who progresses in life? Do you truly want to grow and become a better version of yourself?
Then don’t make decisions based on what brings peace and harmony. Make decisions based on what brings the most progress.
Progress is the goal.
Carrie Lakey
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Carrie Lakey is kind of obsessed with Miss America…
So are 15,000 of her closest friends.
As an avid fan of the Miss America Organization, Carrie began
publicly predicting pageant winners over 10 years ago.
Now, she’s galvanizing an online movement of fans
known as “Pageant Junkies”.
Learn more about the Junkie Nation
by clicking here.
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