Here we are! The Big Day has come!!! It’s time for the first round of predictions for Miss America 2015!!!
Couple of things… If this is your first chance to read the Pageant Junkies blog, you might wanna start with this post from yesterday… It tells you how we do, what we do, and why we do it too ๐
And of course… Here’s the list of states that will be competing tonight! For Tuesday, it’s Alpha in Talent and Sigma in Swimsuit! Feel free to click on the spreadsheet itself for a larger view ๐
Now – before I make my picks, I gotta say – We’ve been researching all of these ladies since early summer… and you know what? I feel like this year, the competition is STRONGER THAN EVER!!!
Junkies base 99% of our research from what we find online – and only 3 short years ago, there wasn’t nearly the massive amount of information that there is now! And because there are numerous interviews, photos, videos, blogs, etc available at our fingertips, you’d think that would make our job easier! Unfortunately, it’s done just the opposite! Even today, we searched again for ladies who might have been flying “under the radar” until this week – hoping we don’t leave the right girls out!
Because I feel like this year’s competition is super-fierce, I only wish I could speak to every young woman competing at Miss America this year. If I had the chance, here’s what I’d say…
“Ladies – You wanted the “Super Bowl” of pageants – well, you got it! We’ve been making predictions for nearly 10 years overall – and this just might be the most competitive class we’ve seen in a long, long time! While that’s absolutely fantastic to realize, here’s what that really means… Unfortunately, some of you are going to be left out of the Top 15 this year. Perhaps you might’ve made it through during a more ‘normal’ year, but this just isn’t a normal year. I’m sorry – but this year is really, really competitive… and that’s just the unfortunate reality of the situation. So, with that in mind, here’s our advice…
Be 100% “in the moment”… take a deep breath and remind yourself that YOU MADE IT to Miss America… Let it sink in that YOU are walking on the Miss America stage – and make the kind of memories that people only dream of making! Be so completely in awe of this experience that your cheeks hurt from smiling so stinking much! I promise, you’re better off going into this with the mindset of having the most freaking, amazing, unforgettable time of your life – than trying to reach your goal of making the Top 15. It’s super-competitive this year – I know that YOU KNOW how crazy-talented and personable these ladies are… You can probably count several of them who would make a wonderful Miss America! So, do everything you can to breathe it all in, pinch yourself, and simply let the cards fall where they may. If you do, you’ll be able to walk away thrilled with your performance and proud of yourself. Oh – and PS — HAVE FUN!!!”
And with that – let’s get to our predictions!
TUESDAY TALENT – Iowa, Massachusetts, Ohio
Bubble Talent State – New York
TUESDAY FITNESS in SWIMSUIT – Florida, Mississippi, Missouri
Bubble SS State – South Dakota
Again – TONIGHT IS TOUGH! There are a dozen other girls we could’ve listed who could win tonight! Can’t wait to find out who the judges select as the winners!
Who are your prelim picks for tonight???
You rocked it. Once again. Congrats.
Thanks!!! No matter how many times we do it, it’s still a surprise! ๐