Growing up, Rachel Latuff almost felt the need to hide who she really was, because she was so artistically inclined… Now, this ‘artistic girl’ turned Art Teacher, is inspiring and encouraging children to lean into their own creative tendencies! Plus, Rachel has some incredible advice for anyone who’s given everything they had to reach a goal, only to fall short… It’s all on today’s Pageant Junkies Podcast. 🙂
I love this podcast! As a college student aspiring to be a teacher, I was so excited to hear from a teacher who is absolutely amazing. I love her tips of whether you win or lose to always learn something and the big takeaway is the friendships you make and the people you meet. I wish that I could meet Rachel. She has encouraged me to continue competing because there is always that child looking up to me to see my perseverance and tenacity, even when it seems like they would never crown a teacher!! Thank you for creating this podcast!