Miss Massachusetts 2014, Lauren Kuhn learned one of the most important lessons of life – just by participating in pageants. But before we talk about that lesson, let me give you a bit of background on Lauren…
Lauren grew up in Washington near the coast. After graduating as the Valedictorian of her high school, she attended college 5 1/2 hours away at Gonzaga University. Then, after deciding she wanted to be a dentist, Lauren applied to Harvard Dental School (along with nearly 1000 other potential students). According to the Harvard School of Dental Medicine’s own website – Harvard interviewed 125 students and only accepted 35.
So – Lauren moved to the other side of the country to attend Harvard Dental School… That next summer, she was named Miss Massachusetts 2014 – ultimately finishing as a STEM scholarship winner and the 4th Runner Up to Miss America! Oh, then she went back to class at Harvard while fulfilling her duties as Miss Mass. 🙂
Beyond Dental School, Lauren’s also studied in Botswana, Zambia and Turkey, performed in Carnegie Hall, and was featured on ESPN as a finalist for the Wendy’s High School Heisman Awards.
Based on all these achievements, you might think she’s just a bookworm with no personality… Which couldn’t be farther from the truth! Check out our podcast we hosted with Lauren at this link… You’ll hear that Lauren is EXTREMELY candid about bombing her talent as a Teen contestant – and many other things!
And THAT’S the life-lesson we’re talking about… Lauren had a terrible performance and it could’ve been the end of her pageant career! But she refused to let a couple of minutes on stage define the rest of her life. Instead, she tried again – and it’s interesting how life plays out. As a matter of fact, in the podcast, she even talks about how the folks in her Harvard interview couldn’t believe they were talking to a former Miss Seattle (hmmmm… Can you say “memorable” out of 125 interviews???)!
Yes, life could’ve been much different for Lauren – had she given up with one poor performance. But she didn’t. Instead – she “brushed it off,” focused on what was important to her, and she found a way to make it happen. It wasn’t easy – but it was worth it!
If that’s the kind of ‘life-lesson’ that young women learn while participating in pageants – then I’m all in!
GOOD LUCK LAUREN – Junkies know you’ll continue to achieve great and mighty things in the years to come – Thanks for sharing your incredible story with us!
And now, can Massachusetts find another young woman to follow Lauren as a Top 5 finisher at Miss America?
Well – our predictions regarding Miss Massachusetts were released earlier this week in the Junkie Newsletter! To receive our latest edition of the Junkie Newsletter, click here to sign up and we’ll send you our most recent predictions!
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