Randi Sundquist is someone who knows her own strength.
Miss Nevada 2012 was bullied from 5th to 8th grade… and according to the Elko Daily Free Press, she said, “I was eating my lunch one day in the cafeteria … which is kind of a scary place anyway.” Another student approached Sundquist, began yelling expletives at her – and after a physical altercation, Randi broke her ‘punching hand’. But as Randi can attest, one ‘fight’ doesn’t make everything better…
“It really does have long lasting effects,” she said. “There’s so many kids who live in fear, who would rather be dead than go to school, like I felt.”
As Miss Nevada, Randi spoke in countless schools, working hand in hand with “Flip the Script, an anti-bullying organization that encourages students, parents and teachers to recognize and report bully behavior before it escalates to what Randi experienced.
And now – on to the competition!
Junkies Say Here’s Who to Watch:
– Diana Sweeney – 1st runner up in ’12, 4th runner up in ’11
– Alyssa D’Agostino – 3rd runner up in ’12
– Ashley Tarchione – 4th runner up in ’12
– D’Andra Sites – former Miss AZ and AZ USA contestant
– Jovahnna Anderson – earned full tuition waiver to Denver School of Music for her masters degree, opera singer, first time at Miss NV
And there you have it! All the Best to everyone competing in the Silver State!!!
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