For those of you who don’t know, I used to have short hair and a “real job” 🙂 LOL!
Right now, Pageant Junkies is my full-time gig (due to a semi-crazy set of circumstances – the details of which we shall save for a future posting). But prior to Junkies, I was kind of a corporate suit for a publicly traded company in the radio industry.
I was known for a couple of things in that job… Efficiency being one of them. Here’s what I mean…
I can walk into a brand new setting/office/operation, and I have the ability to cut through the crap, and see if something is really working or not. And where there’s a problem (as inevitably all businesses have), I can streamline what needs to be done and create a system where the chaos goes away (without losing the trust of the best employees).
Gosh… If only I could’ve done that for the Talent portion of my pageant 🙂
But back to the topic at hand…
It’s great when businesses run smoothly… However, do you ever feel like you need a more efficient system for your life?
Here’s what happens… We’re told to “dream big” and to “set big goals” and to “imagine the most awesome opportunity” to ever come our way. All of us have something we’d LOVE to do – something we’d be THRILLED to achieve – but the trouble is, we have no way of getting there.
Don’t get me wrong – Goals are great! You should have lots and lots of big goals in your life! But goals might as well be silly, childish playtime if you haven’t bothered putting together a system to help you get there.
For example, if your goal is to attend an Ivy League school – your “system” to get there would likely include many years of AP classes leading to a high GPA, studying for the SAT/ACT to make sure you get a strong score, working extremely hard on your extracurricular field of choice (volunteering, sports, the arts), preparing your application correctly, etc.
You see… You don’t just get into an Ivy League school because “you want to” — You need to follow a system in order to get there.
The same thing goes with pageants.
Most ladies know what title they want to achieve. Most ladies even imagine themselves serving in that position, waving to the crowd, walking down the runway with the crown on their head.
But what system do you have in place in order to make your dream become a reality?
To be successful in the Miss America program, you need to be well-rounded (Talent, Fitness, Gown, Interview, Social Media, Platform Issue, Fundraising, etc). That means, you should have not just one, but several different systems in place to help you succeed (or else you’re just living in organized chaos).
So – ask yourself…
What’s been your system for developing your talent? Rehearsing three times a week? Working with a vocal instructor/instrumental teacher/choreographer/etc every other week?
What’s your system for developing your fitness? Cardio 2 days, strength training 3 days, HIIT, tuna and veggies?
How about your system for exhibiting poise in evening wear?
What’s your system for growing your social media? Or strengthening your platform? Or improving your fundraising?
And the mother of them all… What is your system for improving your communication skills for your personal interview?
For some of you, there’s not much time left before your state pageant – which means, if you haven’t been operating with a system for each of those areas listed above, you’ve got a pretty short amount of time to create one (or several).
But the good news is…
Without a system (or a habit, or a routine), you’re just running around in circles, hoping to get better. And that’s an incredible waste of your time. You might as well be a rookie entering her very first pageant.
Just know that right now… Whatever patten you follow… Whatever routine you have… Whatever you are or aren’t doing to prepare for your next pageant… That’s your current system for success.
So, feel free to ask yourself – Is it good enough to win you your dream title? Or does something need to change?
Carrie Lakey
If you’d like to read more #ThursdayBlogDay posts like this one, just click here…

Carrie Lakey is kind of obsessed with Miss America…
So are 15,000 of her closest friends.
As an avid fan of the Miss America Organization, Carrie began
publicly predicting pageant winners over 10 years ago.
Now, she’s galvanizing an online movement of fans
known as “Pageant Junkies”.
Learn more about the Junkie Nation
by clicking here.
Your system is success!
Thank You Becky! #BlowingKissesAtYouNow 🙂
I saw a t-shirt the other day the front said,
“Don’t Just Wish For It!
Good Luck to all the contestants preparing for their up coming pageants!
LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing Catherine! 🙂