Lizzi Jackson is one of the great pageant stories of 2015.
She competed twice for the title of Miss Washington. The first time, she didn’t even place. The second time, she won the whole darn thing!
We wanted to know how she went from “nada” to “the whole enchilada” in one year’s time… So, we asked Lizzi to be our guest on the Pageant Junkies Podcast (If you haven’t heard it yet – catch it right here)

I’m not gonna spoil it for you – But needless to say – Ever since Lizzi “did this one thing” – her whole perspective on pageantry changed. And that’s when, her whole life changed.
And THANK GOD IT DID! We’ve LOVED watching Lizzi on social media this year as she made numerous appearance and spoke to countless students about her platform: Community Through Mentorship: Investing in Our Future.

We think Lizzi sums up her own year at Miss Oregon better than we ever could – which is why we’ve posted this paragraph from her Facebook page, dated May 10th…
As these final few weeks fly by, I’m thankful that I have had the opportunity to do what I set out to do as a titleholder; to inspire others to see the potential they have in themselves. The best part of being a titleholder is that I get to take my crown off and put it on a little girl (or boy’s) head. Doing that doesn’t just mean they are destined to be the next Miss America, but allows them to dream big. Allows them to see a future that they were too afraid to think about because it may never happen. Helping them to begin taking steps towards that future; that’s the crux of my platform. Wow. Crazy how 10 months in the best job ever can change your perspective on things
If that’s not the power of the crown – We don’t know what is…

Lizzi – Congratulations on your incredible year, on your courage to pursue the Miss Washington title, on your $5000 STEM Scholarship at Miss America, and for sharing your heart on the podcast. It’s been a pleasure to watch you this year – and I can’t wait to see all the incredible things you do with the rest of your life from here forward. #BigFans
And now – who do we think has the best chance to be named Miss Washington 2015? Well – we’ve made our Top 5 picks – and if you’d like to learn more, just click this link here…
GOOD LUCK LADIES!!! Junkies Love Washington!!!
Carrie Lakey
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